Production Cloud Storage
Next generation cloud storage solution that doesn’t get in the way of your creativity
Media Centricity
NebulaNAS was developed by media professionals for media professionals. Its file system is uniquely designed to support third-party asset management applications and editorial and effects workflows, regardless of file size, format, or bit rate. By effectively managing the pieces of files in use instead of entire files, the NebulaNAS file system supports ultrafast media access regardless of where the file and user are located.
Cloud Flexibility
Based on this unique media-driven file system, NebulaNAS operates from a distributed cloud storage architecture, providing users with the flexibility inherent in cloud solutions. Instead of being locked into on-prem storage or enduring a never-ending cycle of forklift upgrades, you can rely on NebulaNAS to grow as your requirements grow. It can also interoperate with GB Labs on-prem storage and NVMe, allowing creatives to mount drives both locally and from the cloud, mirroring existing work styles
Global Collaboration
NebulaNAS supports users working in an office, from home, in a hotel room, on location, and even from a plane. Users interact with NebulaNAS and access only the parts of the file they need. Because of this unique capability, multiple users can collaborate and access the same parts of the file. NebulaNAS will manage the latest interaction, ensuring only one version of the content is maintained in the cloud.
Local Performance
To end users and administrators, NebulaNAS resembles an on-premises NAS solution, with three critical differences. First, users interact with NebulaNAS regardless of their location. Files are instantly available, and users can mount drives and experience local performance. Second, users can collaborate on the same content concurrently as if they were in the same office. Finally, artists and editors will interact with their customary creative and management applications as always; there is no learning curve.
Enterprise Security
NebulaNAS uses several different types of security. First, it runs on a distributed cloud environment, spreading bits of data files across thousands of servers. This dramatically improves performance and resiliency, ensuring work can continue even if a server experiences an outage. NebulaNAS provides eleven nines of uptime. Second, it maintains file access and credential control regardless of the user’s location. Finally, the NebulaNAS audit management system maintains data showing who interacted with which files, when, and from what location.