3 Ways to Ensure a Return On Investment (ROI) with Object Storage
1) Instant Access To Content From Anywhere
Do you have self-serve access when Working From Anywhere (WFA)?
Throughout many aspects of our lives, we subconsciously self-serve without even realising it. Surprisingly, the ability for creative professionals to self-serve when they need content is not possible as many organisations still require people to physically access (or manually service requests) archived content.
This commonly comes down to one or more of the following three reasons: the archive content is sat on legacy archive technology (LTO); the content is sat in geographically dispersed locations or on multiple silos of storage; or, that the content requires human services to perform the access requests. Often those people servicing the requests have many skills to offer but they get bogged down in daily mundane media management tasks that can and should be automated.
'Automation and workflow integration enables creative teams to self-serve, to simply get the content they want instantly and thus empower creativity.'
"I just wish the producers could get the content themselves! I spend all day looking for clips for them and I have other things to do!"
La Media Manager, Paris.
CFO Checklist
- Product: MatrixStore on-prem, hybrid and cloud storage
- Operational efficiency: ✓
- Creative professional productivity: ✓
- Roadblocks to revenue generation: 0
- Is this a future proofed platform?
- Spend to save ratio : 1 spent : minimum 2 gained
2) Managing an Archive Should not take time
Here are some of ‘usual-suspect’ pain points:
- Why do I need to keep two copies, manually check they are ok periodically and physically move a copy offsite? It’s a time sink!
- Why do we need to migrate the archive again? It takes ages and doesn’t always work
- I wish I didn’t have to go into the office to find and load tapes so often, I am not sure how much value I am adding
- I got asked to bring back a load of clips from LTO for AI processing then put them back in the archive. It’s like digging a hole only to fill it back in again.
CFO Checklist
- Product: MatrixStore on-prem, hybrid and cloud storage
- Operational efficiency: ✓
- Creative professional productivity: ✓
- Roadblocks to revenue generation: 0
- Is this a future proofed platform?
- Spend to save ratio : 1 spent : minimum 2 gained
3) Doing more than you did before
More and more organisations be they news, sports or ad agencies etc are looking to exploit the value of their archives which is not possible if the content is sat on LTO or languishing in a deep archive cloud storage tier.
We like to call this, a “Content Jail”.
As mentioned previously, the process of finding content on LTO is cumbersome and time consuming. The cost of bringing archive content back from cloud deep archive is un-predictably expensive.
It is a well documented fact that creative professionals spend 30% or more of their time finding content. If they cannot find it they ask for help taking up more time and resources. Giving creative professionals the platforms from which to self-serve content at any time, from anywhere will increase their productivity and thus add more value to the organisation.
It is also true that an active archive based on modern technologies adds value to an organisation, making it much easier to find and monetise content. An archive at rest purely adds cost.
MatrixStore Cloud Datasheet
Our Media Focused Hybrid Cloud Storage platforms meet the tactical and strategic needs of many stakeholders and bring economic and operational benefit to your business. Whether you need help with your video workflows or want to learn more about our award winning object storage, our industry experts can help you!
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